Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scientific Notation and Even More Unitary Rates

Scientific Notation

  •  A way scientists handle very large and very small numbers using powers of 10.

  •  Written in the form a x 10^b
Write in Scientific Notation
a)      4830000000  à4.83 x 10^9
b)      0. 000056 à 5.6 x 10^-5

Write in Standard Form:
a)      6.25 x 10^4 à 62500
b)      8.9  x 10 ^-9 à 0.0000000089

-         Addition and Subtraction
o       All numbers must be converted to the same power of 10
o       The digits are then added or subtracted
-         Multiplying and Dividing
o       Digits are multiplied or divided
o       Exponents are added or subtracted.
* Keep exponent laws in mind*

Quiz Yourself!!
Here is a great website to practice multiplying, adding, subtracting and expressing numbers in scientific notation:

*Note* Calculators can be used to make this process easier. Use the EXP/ E / x 10^ buttons.

Even More Unitary Rates

-         Convert the unit which is squared or cubed
If 1m= 100cm
1m^2 = 10 000 cm^2  (100 x 100)
1m^3 = 1 000 000 cm^3  (100 x 100 x 100)

Ex. Convert

a)      9.6m^3 à to km^3
1000m= km
10^9 m^3 = km^3

9.6 m^3 x (km^3/10^9 m^3)
= 9.6 x 10^-9 km^3

b)      6.5 dm^2 à Gm^2
dm à mà Gm

10^2 dm^2 = 1m^2                (10 dm = 1m à 10^2dm = 10m^2)
10^18 m^2 = 1 Gm^2            ( 10^9m = 1Gm à 10^18 m^2 = 1Gm)
= 6.5 x 10^-20 Gm^2

Here are some examples to try on your own:

a)      Convert 7.5 dm^2 to Mm^2
b)      Convert 54 mm to pm
c)      Convert 5.5 m^3 to km^3
d)      Convert 12.4 L to mL

By Candace

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